Tuesday 14 December 2010

Filming - Day One

Filming on day one was done on location at Cathays park in Cardiff and St Mary's Statue in Penrhys. My original intention to start the day was to get footage of James speaking inside The National Museum of Wales in Cardiff. However we were unable to get permission to film there. This became the theme of the day with various places I had planned on using becoming unavailable to us. On reflection, for my next project, I will plan ahead and make sure I have the various permissions for the locations I would like to shoot at. This will prevent any last minute re-writes and scrambling around to find alternative locations. The scenes planned for and filmed today were two scenes of James talking to camera on the subject.

Despite all the problems with not being allowed my original choices for locations, the first days filming can be seen as a success. James's professionalism allowed us to get the footage in few takes and this freed up a lot of time for us to get some additional footage that wasn't planned. This included footage of a busy Cardiff town centre, a city preacher giving a lecture and plenty of footage of James just walking various streets and bookstores. A lot of this footage may not be needed but I thought it may come in handy during the editing process, and as I have learned, you can never have too much footage.

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